
2023-08-11 54

  为弘扬中华优秀传统文化,向外国友人展示中华传统文化独特魅力,促进中外文化友好交流。8月1日,济南市长清区委宣传部举办的“文化山东 走近长清”文化交流活动邀请来自韩国、印尼、美国、日本、加拿大、荷兰、马来西亚等国家的多名留学生参加。

  In order to carry forward the fine traditional Chinese culture, show the unique charm of it to foreign friends, and promote friendly cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. On August 1st, the Publicity Department of Jinan Changqing District Committee held a cultural exchange activity inviting many students from South Korea, Indonesia, the United States, Japan, Canada, the Netherlands, Malaysia and other countries to participate.



  At the event, the volunteers presented the cultural reader "Such Life" to the students, explaining the meaning of excellent Chinese culture such as "self-discipline and helping others", "filial piety and loving relatives", "honesty and altrui", "frugality and green", "co-construction and sharing" and giving some examples." "In my hometown, garbage should also be sorted for environmental protection," said Jiaye Xian from Canada. He Lan, a foreign student from the Netherlands, said, " In our local, we trust strangers very much for the first time. Once someone is not honest, we will not trust him again.”



  In the on-site interaction, volunteers organized students to communicate with each other, talk about their understanding and feelings of the knowledge learned from books, and everyone spoke enthusiastically. Accompanied by happy laughter, the cultural exchange activity also came to an end. The nearly an hour of this exchange made everyone gain knowledge and happiness. All the students said that the content of this activity was very interesting, and they should use their spare time to understand more about Chinese traditional culture, and hope to participate in more similar activities.



  As learners, witnesses and communicators of Chinese culture and civilization, students studying abroad are an important bridge for exchanges between China and foreign countries, and play an important role in showing China's politics, economy and culture to the world. This activity helps students that study abroad learn and understand excellent traditional Chinese culture and at the same time plays the better role of them as a bridge, becomes the seed of spreading traditional Chinese culture, and then promotes the cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and enhances the international influence of excellent traditional Chinese culture.



上一条: “Amazing,黄河!”外国留学生山东行活动在滨州启动 下一条: 陆家嘴举办留学生落户政策培训及职业发展分享会

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